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SAS Data Model Doc : https://plato_pdc_public.io.ias.u-psud.fr/sas-data-model/index.html
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SAS Data Model Doc : https://plato_pdc_public.io.ias.u-psud.fr/sas-data-model/index.html
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Collection of plugins for the Pelican static site generator
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This IT system is for the European project - flarecast which developped by guanji based on the sitools framework. main technologies: Sencha 4.2, REST, JavaEE, POSTGRES, Javascript, HTML/CSS
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Hybrid mobile app multi platform for PICARD Archive(web archive of space project PICARD) building with Ionic.
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SITools2 is a CNES generic tool performed by a joint effort between CNES and scientific laboratories. The aim of SITools is to provide a self-manageable data access layer deployed on already existing scientific laboratory databases.