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Bump default timeline template to 2.0

Benoît SEIGNOVERT requested to merge timeline-template-v2 into main


  • Upgrade default template to 2.0
>>> Timeline().version
  • Add explicit version support (from packaging).

  • Fix new template header size (3 in ≥ 2.0 and 2 before). This value is based on the template version.

>>> Timeline().header
  • Fix new sheet name for change log (template change log in ≥ 2.0 and change log before). Both cases are still supported

  • Add new science property to Timeline object (only for timeline version ≥ 2.0, raise a ValueError before).

>>> Timeline('timemline.xlsm').science
  • Bump patch version to 0.0.4

Fix #4 (closed)

Edited by Benoît SEIGNOVERT

Merge request reports